ID: com.jmahideforcool89.tonymice8all.oldhousehidden
Version: 3.0
Size: 13 Mb
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Old House Hidden Details
Hmm, many people decide to go for an Old House that is modernistic arranged, full with sharp geometrical but minimalistic shapes and dominant colors. That is the trend in arranging homes last years and something that many people follow, trying to be fashionable. And they spend a lot of money just for a signature, not literary, but for a piece of furniture that may seem very small and impractical but it keeps its price just because it is designed by some famous designer that is in trend at the moment. And from one side is that furniture, brand new and fashionable, while on other side there are people that go for apartments arranged in old fashion style. They also spend a lot of money but they go for objects that are very old but preserved well, and the tradition is another aspect that gives value to those objects. Sometimes it is even about some piece of furniture that belonged to some imperator or some other important person from the past, and those objects are usually sold on auctions where people with this kind of interest go often.In this game we will visit this kind of old House, a lot of them. They are very expensive because almost every object there is very old and original and just because of that, its price is quite big. There are few apartments in classical style included here, so let's check them out and look for the objects that are hidden there.
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